Month Two River Heritage BOM Mystery

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Make the Railroad Crossing block for Month Two!

Image of frozen river for Railroad Crossing block

The Railroad Crossing block is the first stop on Month Two of River Heritage! Railroads belong with rivers, for sure. Here’s a view of this track near the Mighty Mississippi River.

Image of Railroad Crossing block

About Railroad Crossing Block

This quilt block makes a stunning statement. While there are other versions of this block, this one is a versatile block which could be used in a variety of settings. Furthermore, you could get an interesting secondary pattern by the use of value in large half-square triangle units. This one is a simple, but stunning version. Moreover, this block could make a great stash-busting, scrappy quilt all by itself!

Learn more about VALUE here.

Break down of Railroad Crossing Block

Specifically, this block is made of two half-square triangle units and two four-patch units. Click here for more information on Half-Square Triangle Units.

In the same fashion as the Paddlewheel block, you’ll want to use dark, medium, and light fabrics. Remember to check your values as you choose fabrics and placement. Additionally, It is an easy block to make. It requires only two four-patches units and two half-square triangle units.

Printable PDF: River Heritage Month 2

Image of Quilt Block

Share your block using #riverheritage on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!

A special thank you to my nephew, Blake Kiefner, for letting me use his gorgeous picture of the frozen Mississippi River!

River Heritage Month Three

My quilt patterns shown below in Nancy’s Notions Catalog!

Image of Nancy's Notions Page

SHOP more than 50 quilt patterns that use BOTH beautiful sides!


  1. Shirley Richardson

    I notice that you are using different colors on the second block from the first block. Should they be that different in color?

  2. The Bee

    Hi, my quilt is going to be out of lots of different teal/aqua, coral, and gray/black fabrics with neutral lights. Of course, you can make yours any color combinations you like. I did originally make my first month’s block with a teal paddlewheel, but later decided I wanted a red (coral) paddle wheel. Either would have worked with the second block –I just liked the idea of a more red paddlewheel since they are usually red in real life. Both of my blocks have a bit of coral and aqua in them, so they work together. (The aqua doesn’t show much in the picture Railroad Crossing picture, but it’s there I real life.) As long as you choose setting fabric which look good with your individual blocks, it should all come together. (See the Introduction for the preview of the setting. Your nine blocks will be inserted into the light squares.) Hope this helps! Karla

  3. Mrs.Steven Payne

    Where is the comment on the setting? I am not computer savy, so remind me how to find it.

  4. The Bee

    Its in the first post about the mystery, in the introduction. There is a link to it on each post so you can just scroll down and click it. 🙂 Let me know if you can’t find it and I’ll email it to you!