When everything around you changes, taking stock is a natural tendency…
Firstly, when referring to taking stock, I’m not talking about counting toilet paper here, it’s apparently been on everyone’s minds lately!
While reflecting on life, I’ve discovered a few things…
Number one, quilters don’t get bored.
Quilters are used to making it through the “long haul”. Our craft involves a long series of steps. While we quilters may get distracted or want to move on to the next fun project, I’m quite thankful not to be someone who has nothing to do.
Secondly, quilters respond.
So many quilters have responded to the call for home-sewn face masks that it is almost overwhelming. I will not post any pics of masks here. Here are three reasons: 1) depending on who you are making them for or where you live, there are different requirements, opinions, recommendations…it can get confusing! 2) I just ran out without taking a photo, so I need to make more, and 3) If I see one more post of mask pictures…(kidding/not kidding). Click here for the post of face mask ideas, but be aware that there are MANY options not listed!
Thirdly, I have not considered the need for olive drab in my stash!
Olive drab would have been my Marine husband’s choice of color for a mask – I have USMC fabric, but that’s “too flashy”.
Next, I have more stash than I realized.
Anyone? I KNOW I’m not alone! But I must say, it’s been nice to have plenty of sewing supplies when availability is limited on so many other things. Aren’t you glad you collected all that fabric?
Sometimes its good for the soul to work on something pretty.
I believe in being informed (fully informed – not just the headlines, ma’am), but sometimes our brains and emotions need a rest. Do you find that to be the case, too?
I’m not getting as much stitching done as I expected.
I’ve more than doubled my “to do” list in my studio and around the house. So while it’s not on a grand scale, here’s my progress promised in “Quilting Accountability-for FUN”.

My patience with making masks is incredibly short.
You’d think that because quilting is such a long process that requires patience and lots of time that I’d be okay with one mask taking me more than 30 minutes — but I’m NOT. I don’t know why, it just seems they shouldn’t be more than a “10 Minute Table Runner (which, come to think of it, also takes me 30 minutes…hmmm).
Finally, quilters are creative.
There are online quilt shows, lots of shares on Instagram and Facebook, online classes, and more ways to stay social while doing, creating and learning than there is time. Of course, there’s always time for shopping for new patterns and kits HERE!