It certainly is a wonderful life when you can dance by the light of the moon.
This bison quilt makes me want to dance by the light of the moon because I couldn’t help singing along with characters George and Mary from It’s a Wonderful Life with those very words!
Sharing a quilt pattern is ALWAYS wonderful! Learn about this unique way to use both sides of fabric and the story behind this design.
The quilt, Buffalo Moon, is made with both sides of a light focus fabric on a starry, night-time background!
This Buffalo Moon quilt is a creation that has a lot of meaning for me – which is interesting since I have never lived “where buffalo roam”!
We enjoyed a visit to South Dakota for the first time the summer before I designed this quilt. Our youngest daughter was playing the role of Laurie in OKLAHOMA! at The Black Hills Playhouse in Custer, South Dakota. See South Dakota Quilts & More , OKLAHOMA! Backroads in South Dakota, and Quilting – Dakota Style.

Buffalo Moon is made using BOTH sides of a fabulous focus fabric (say that three times fast!) on a scrappy, nighttime background. Spotting the bison roaming the Black Hills was an incredible experience. Having also learned about the Legend of the White Buffalo, saying YES to this focus fabric was easy! Unlike most of my other patterns, the difference in value between the front and reverse of the focus fabric are subtle, but still noticeable. This motif that reads as moon craters makes one want to dance by the light of the moon! Choosing dark background fabrics was a change of pace from my previous designs and a lot of fun!
Notice the ombre trees, the twinkling stars and the barbed wire fence fabrics?

We got a second round in bison country the following season, when Jacq played Annelle in Steel Magnolias and, one of her bucket list roles,…Sophie in Mamma Mia!
Needless to say, she was quite excited to be able to work again in such a beautiful place–but, even more, she was very happy to be able to work at what she loved to do.
My husband and I watched both of our girls struggle to work at what is their passion – and wondered at times where they got such courage. Yes, I make jokes that we let them play too much dress up and not do enough science fair projects, but truly I am glad they had the will to give it a whirl…and, in this case, go where the buffalo roam.

Buffalo gals won’t you come out tonight…