Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
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Bubbles the baby whale quilt is quite photogenic, most of the time!
This goofy (or is it mischievous) little smile reveals the character of Bubbles the baby whale quilt, made with both beautiful sides of fabric.

So how does this Marine hide behind these 36 inch square quilts for photo sessions? Very strategically.
First, he starts with a very low, very small, foldable beach chair and positions himself as follows. He tucks his toes into the sand, as close to the chair as possible. Next, he removes the camo boonie cover (i.e. floppy hat) from his head and secures it on his knee.
Then, my husband positions his fingers in the two outermost prairie points on the back of the quilt. See Prairie Point Hanging Method and learn more on YouTube.
After a nod to the photographer (me), he simultaneously drops his head and lifts the quilt, holding it taut and level. Mind you, he can only lift the quilt high enough to avoid the sand, but not reveal his toes, legs or anything else!
Before I share the outtake of Bubbles, the baby whale, take a look at some of these great shots he allowed me to take:

The big save comes with a big wave rushing in.

Read more about my very helpful husband in The Marine Behind the Quilts.

Bubbles is now on fabric and home decor at Spoonflower!
Choose from more than 20 kinds of fabrics, wallpapers, and home decor.
Find Bubbles on Redbubble merchandise, too!
Explore a variety of products to go with your quilts! Add Bubbles (and friends) to tech items, clothing, home decor and more at RedBubble.